- #Metacritic fallout 4 goty edition update#
- #Metacritic fallout 4 goty edition Patch#
- #Metacritic fallout 4 goty edition mods#

Especially considering they keep doing it over and over and over. The game is fun for a casual playthrough, but if you want to achieve something within the game, bugs in quests and the game mechanics itself makes this game quite terrible. If you enjoy some extra challenge it the game and go through survival mode, you're ensured to loose hours on not being able to save before sleeping, and then the game crashes, you die to walking in to a car, you getting stucked in a rock/tree stump etc.
#Metacritic fallout 4 goty edition Patch#
the game is riddled with weird bugs in all areas, and none get fixed unless it's by modders (The unofficial Fallout 4 patch is essential to have). you can even die from hit collision by crouching backwards in to a car. However the Fallout franchise is known (apparently only Bethesda is not aware) of the bugs and crashes, wich wikia sites of quest bugs and other forums clearly bare witness too. The game in itself is good, no doubt about it, even though it's sad the options becomes more and more limited for each game in the franchise. I am really struggling to replay it now due to overdosing on the crappy performance issues for the umpteenth time.
#Metacritic fallout 4 goty edition mods#
I have even used in-store PSN F04 mods to try and improve performance, but to little avail. I have a lot of fun replaying this game and I have passed my third replay, but this game runs like total crap in the large downtown Boston area ( and other areas). The additional add-on settlement content alone gets rid of the of the logistic head ache of getting round commune dormitory type settlements. This is the best version of the game for sure. Short story I picked up the GOTY edition on a retail sale, because it worked out cheaper than buying all the DLC separately digitally for the base game that I already have beaten twice. Hundreds of junk items, but no way to group them by core components. The junk sorting process is also a grind when using settlers as mules. Settlers can be used as mules to transport the junk, but only between settlements and not in the field.

So this can lead to a grindy chore if wanting to lighten the Power Armour repair resource load on the go. How Junk items are broken down into way lighter core components is limited to settlements only. The "base game" settlement building side was a bit basic and simplified. I had a lot of fun with the upgradeable power armors and the weapons. I enjoyed all of the shooting, looting, crafting and exploring. Played the game back to back with the female/male characters. It is more Borderlands action packed shooter than a ARPG with shooting mechanics. Pre 2021 | am glad they changed the format of Fallout even if it took a while to get into. Yeah you'd think you was in a jet mode, before even taking jet, but a jet that gives you the shakes and jerks. No crappy 30 FPS no crap constant dips, Boston being the worse place.
#Metacritic fallout 4 goty edition update#
Yeah you'd think you 2021 Update oh wow PC version really spoils you. 2021 Update oh wow PC version really spoils you.